Breast Augmentation in Turkey & Costs | Healtrip Global
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Breast Augmentation (Implant and Fat Transfer) in Turkey

Breast augmentation surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people opting to go under the knife to enhance the appearance of their breasts. For those considering getting a breast augmentation abroad, Turkey has become a popular destination for its high-quality medical facilities, experienced surgeons, and affordable prices.
In this article, we will delve deeper into breast augmentation in Turkey, covering everything from the different types of boob jobs available to the cost and quality of care. We will also answer some commonly asked questions about breast augmentation, such as whether you can stop wearing a bra after the surgery and whether breast augmentation is a permanent solution.

Whether you're looking for a boob job that is big or small, we'll provide all the information you need to make an informed decision about breast augmentation surgery in Turkey. So sit back, relax, and let's explore the world of breast augmentation in Turkey together.

 Why Turkey for Breast Augmentation? 

Turkey has become a go-to destination for those seeking breast augmentation surgery for a number of reasons. Firstly, the quality of medical facilities and surgeons in Turkey is exceptional. The country boasts some of the most experienced and highly skilled plastic surgeons in the world, many of whom have trained and worked in Europe or the United States.

In addition to the quality of care, the cost of breast augmentation in Turkey is significantly lower than in many other countries. This is due to the lower cost of living in Turkey and the currency exchange rate, making it an affordable option for those looking for high-quality surgery without breaking the bank. Compared to the United States or Europe, the cost of a boob job in Turkey can be up to 70% less, even when factoring in the cost of travel and accommodation.

Another reason why Turkey is a popular destination for breast augmentation surgery is the country's tourism industry. Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, is a bustling hub of culture, history, and entertainment, making it an attractive destination for medical tourists looking to combine their surgery with a vacation. Many of the medical facilities in Turkey offer packages that include accommodation and transportation, making it easy for patients to plan their trip and take advantage of all that the city has to offer.

In summary, Turkey is a top choice for those seeking breast augmentation surgery due to the combination of high-quality medical facilities and experienced surgeons, affordable pricing, and the opportunity to explore a vibrant and exciting city.

 Types of Breast Augmentation 

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that aims to enhance the size, shape, and overall appearance of the breasts. There are two main types of breast augmentation procedures: implant surgery and fat transfer.
Implant surgery involves the use of silicone or saline implants to increase the size and shape of the breasts. Silicone implants are the most commonly used implants due to their natural look and feel. On the other hand, saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater and are preferred by some patients because they require a smaller incision.

Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, involves the removal of fat from another area of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and injecting it into the breasts. This technique is a popular alternative to implants as it offers a more natural-looking and feeling result.

nurse holding breast implant 

sryinge filled with fat

Each procedure has its pros and cons. Implant surgery is a quick and relatively straightforward procedure that can result in a dramatic increase in breast size. However, it requires maintenance and may need to be replaced every 10 to 15 years. Fat transfer offers a more natural-looking and feeling result, but the increase in breast size may be more modest, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired result.

Breast augmentation with implants can be combined with a breast lift procedure. With this combined procedure called breast lift with implants you can get bigger and firmer looking breasts at the same time.

Ultimately, the choice between these procedures depends on a patient's specific needs and goals, as well as the advice of their surgeon. 

 Cost of Breast Augmentation in Turkey  

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of implants or fat transfer to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. This procedure has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, with many people opting to have it done abroad to save costs. Turkey has become a popular destination for breast augmentation due to its skilled surgeons and lower costs compared to other countries.

When it comes to the cost of breast augmentation in Turkey, it is generally more affordable than in many other countries, including the United States and European countries. The cost of breast augmentation in Turkey can range from $2,500 to $5,000, depending on various factors. These factors include the type of procedure, the surgeon's experience and reputation, the clinic's location, and the patient's desired results.

The cost of breast augmentation in Turkey can also be affected by additional expenses such as accommodation, travel, and post-operative care. However, despite these additional costs, having breast augmentation in Turkey can still be a more affordable option for those seeking to undergo the procedure.

It's worth noting that the lower cost of breast augmentation in Turkey does not mean a compromise in quality. Turkey is known for its experienced and skilled plastic surgeons, who use the latest technologies and techniques to ensure excellent results. The country also has state-of-the-art facilities that meet international standards.

In summary, breast augmentation in Turkey is a popular option for those looking to enhance their breasts. The cost of breast augmentation in Turkey is generally lower than in many other countries, and the quality of care and surgical expertise is still top-notch. However, it is essential to consider all factors, including additional expenses, before making a decision.
For whom?

Breast augmentation surgery is typically performed on individuals who desire to enhance the size, shape, or symmetry of their breasts. This could include:

  • Women who have small or underdeveloped breasts and wish to increase their breast size.
  • Women who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss.
  • Women who have asymmetrical breasts, where one breast is larger or differently shaped than the other.
  • Transgender individuals who wish to feminize their chest.
  • Women who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy as part of breast cancer treatment and wish to reconstruct their breasts.

It is important to note that breast augmentation surgery is a personal decision and should only be considered after careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits and discussion with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Patient Need
Age older than 18
Good overall health
Realistic expectations
Completed breast development
Stable psychology
Adequate breast tissue

Before and After Breast Augmentation Procedure 


Breast augmentation is a major surgery that requires thorough preparation and post-operative care. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to schedule a consultation with your surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations for the surgery. During this consultation, you will undergo a physical exam and discuss your medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for the surgery.

Before the procedure, you may be required to undergo various pre-operative tests, such as blood tests and a mammogram. Your surgeon may also provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, such as avoiding certain medications and arranging for a caregiver to assist you after the procedure.

During the procedure, you will be under general anesthesia, and your surgeon will make incisions in your breast to insert the implants or perform the fat transfer. The duration of the procedure depends on the type of surgery you are undergoing, but generally takes around 1-2 hours.

After the surgery, you will be required to stay in the hospital or clinic for a few hours for observation. You will be given pain medication to help manage any discomfort and instructed on how to care for your incisions to prevent infection. You will also be required to wear a special bra or compression garment to help support your breasts during the healing process.

During the recovery period, which can take several weeks, you will need to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting. You will also need to attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and ensure that you are healing properly.

It is important to keep in mind that the results of breast augmentation may take several months to fully appear, as your breasts will continue to settle into their new shape. However, with proper care and follow-up, you can enjoy the long-lasting results of your breast augmentation.

Affordable Breast Augmentation in Turkey

If you're considering breast surgery, Turkey offers an excellent option for both breast augmentation and breast uplift procedures. Known for its expertise in cosmetic surgery, Turkey has become a sought-after destination for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance. When it comes to breast augmentation in Turkey, you'll find skilled surgeons who can help you achieve your desired breast size and shape. Not only does Turkey provide top-notch medical care, but it also offers cost-effective solutions, making breast augmentation cost in Turkey a highly attractive choice for those looking to enhance their confidence and achieve their aesthetic goals.

Rejuvenate with a Breast Uplift in Turkey

A breast uplift, commonly known as a mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure that can restore youthful firmness and shape to the breasts. Turkey is renowned for its exceptional breast uplift surgeries, attracting patients from around the world seeking expert care at competitive rates. The breast uplift cost in Turkey is often a fraction of what you might pay in many Western countries, making it a cost-effective option for individuals seeking to revitalize their appearance. With skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities, Turkey provides a welcoming and professional environment for those looking to undergo a breast uplift procedure.

Discover Your Confidence with Breast Surgery in Turkey

Turkey's reputation as a hub for breast surgery is well-deserved, with expert surgeons who specialize in breast augmentation and breast uplift procedures. If you're contemplating breast surgery, Turkey offers you a unique opportunity to combine world-class medical care with a memorable experience. Whether you're looking to enhance your breast size and shape or rejuvenate sagging breasts, Turkey's cosmetic surgeons can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. The allure of breast surgery in Turkey lies not only in the quality of care but also in the affordability and comfort it provides to those on their journey to renewed self-confidence.

The patient will be given general anesthesia, which will put them to sleep throughout the procedure, or local anesthesia with sedation, which will numb the breasts and make the patient drowsy.
The surgeon will make an incision either around the areola, under the breast crease, or in the armpit. The location of the incision will depend on the patient's anatomy, the type of implant, and the surgeon's preference.
Implant placement
The surgeon will create a pocket either behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle and insert the breast implant into the pocket.
Adjustment of implant placement
The surgeon will adjust the implant's position to achieve the desired shape and symmetry.
Closing the incision
The surgeon will close the incision with sutures or surgical tape, and a dressing will be applied.

 Risks and Side Effects 

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that comes with certain risks and potential side effects, just like any other surgery. Patients should be aware of these risks before making the decision to undergo the procedure.

One of the most common risks associated with breast augmentation is infection. This can occur if bacteria enter the incision site and may require antibiotics or even surgical intervention to treat. Additionally, some patients may experience bleeding, bruising, or hematoma (a collection of blood under the skin), which can also require medical attention.

Other potential side effects of breast augmentation include scarring, changes in nipple or breast sensation, and implant leakage or rupture. It's important to note that not all of these side effects will occur in every patient, and some may be more likely than others depending on the specific procedure and the patient's individual health factors.

To minimise the risk of complications, patients should carefully follow all pre- and post-operative instructions from their surgeon. This may include avoiding certain medications or activities, attending follow-up appointments, and practicing good hygiene to prevent infection. Patients should also choose a qualified and experienced surgeon and be sure to disclose any health conditions or medications that may affect their risk of complications.

Overall, breast augmentation can be a safe and effective procedure for many patients. However, it's important to be aware of the potential risks and side effects and to take appropriate steps to minimise them. By doing so, patients can achieve the best possible results and enjoy their new look with confidence.

Recovering from breast augmentation surgery typically involves a few weeks of rest and careful attention to post-operative instructions provided by the plastic surgeon. Here are some general guidelines for the breast augmentation recovery process:

  • Pain management: Immediately after surgery, patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. The surgeon's prescribed painkillers can help manage these symptoms.
  • Dressings and bandages: Patients will need to wear a supportive bra or compression garment for several weeks after the procedure to help minimise swelling and support the healing process.
  • Rest and activity restrictions: Patients should avoid strenuous physical activity, lifting heavy objects, and bending over for at least a few weeks after surgery. Light walking and gentle stretching can help promote circulation and prevent blood clots.
  • Follow-up appointments: Patients will typically need to schedule follow-up appointments with the plastic surgeon to monitor their healing progress and ensure that there are no complications.
  • Scar management: Breast augmentation incisions will typically leave some degree of scarring. The surgeon may recommend certain creams or treatments to help minimise the appearance of scars over time.

It is important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by the plastic surgeon to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Most patients can expect to return to normal activities within a few weeks of the procedure, but it can take several months for the final results of the breast augmentation surgery to fully develop.
Activities to Avoid
Strenuous activity
Sleeping on your stomach
Underwire bras
Swimming or hot tubs
Smoking and alcohol
Sun exposure


Sonuç olarak, meme büyütme ameliyatı popüler bir seçenektir. Göğüs büyütmeyi düşünürken, mevcut farklı prosedür türlerinin yanı sıra potansiyel riskleri ve yan etkileri araştırmak ve anlamak önemlidir. Türkiye'de meme büyütme ameliyatının fiyatları, işlemin türü, cerrahın deneyimi ve kliniğin yeri gibi faktörlere bağlı olarak değişebilir. Prosedür hakkında gerçekçi beklentilere sahip olmak ve cerrah tarafından verilen operasyon öncesi ve sonrası talimatları takip etmek de önemlidir. Sonuç olarak, meme büyütme hakkında bir karar vermeden önce kalifiye bir cerrahla görüşmek ve kapsamlı bir araştırma yapmak en iyisidir.

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